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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  October 12, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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this one, 3700 calls. and this monster, 7400 accidental calls. your fat [ bleep ] is killing people. ld the phone. >> i really can't add to that so have a nice weekend and here's hoping your back pocket stays safe and sound, emergency-free and let's hope they keep their thoughts to themselves. new problems for the secret >> we weren't told they wanted more security. we did not know they wanted more security again, and by the way, and the ipad may be getting smaller, will its price tag be small enough. let's go "outfront."
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did the vice president throw the state department under a campaign bus when he was asked about requests from diplomats for additional security. >> they wanted more security there. >> we weren't told they wanted more security. we did not know they wanted more security again, and by the way, at the time, we were told exactly -- we said exactly what intelligence community told us they knew. that was the assess meant. >> that was also where joe biden got the most negative ratings of the entire debate of the undecided voter i was with. why was this so controversial? those voters were wondering why the request for more security was turned down.
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eric nordstrom was questioned with this very issue on capitol hill this week. >> you were asking for more assets, more personnel, but the danger pay increased. they didn't tell you we didn't have resources, congress just cut your budget. they gave you an increase because the danger was rising. >> that's correct. they gave us an increase. >> when joe biden said we knew nothing about this request for security, who is the we? jay carney cleared that up. >> he was speaking directly for himself and the president, he meant the white house. >> if the president and the vice president, the white house didn't know about the security requests, then who is to blame for the security lapse in libya on september 11th?
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jay carney again. >> i want to be clear, it was never in the presidential daily brief or anything like that. >> i am not going to sit and talk to you about this. i'm not, ed. i'm saying matters of how many personnel are assigned to embassies and consulates are not decided at the white house. they are decided at the state department. >> they are decided at the state department. is it possible that the president didn't know about the request? the answer to that question is yes. but passing the buck may not add up, for two reasons. in a press release on september 10th, the president heard from key national security opinion pals on preparedness and security posture on the eve of the 11th anniversary of september 11th to protect the american people, both at home and abroad.
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now, many consulates don't make the cut for this kind of briefing, but maybe if they are in a middle eastern country in chaos, and there have been 30 separate security issues, they should. second issue this. see that? harry truman's desk. the buck stops here. the state department is in the same administration with the same boss as the white house, so where does the buck stop? p.j. crowley and peter brooks join us. really appreciate both of you taking the time. p.j., i want to start with you on the whole issue of joe biden saying we and jay carney specifying that meant himself and the president and saying it was the state department that would have made that call. what do you think about the vice president separating himself from the state department and the fourth person in line to the presidency? >> jay carney says the responsibility for everything starts with the commander in
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chief and works its way down. president obama is responsible, joe biden is responsible, hillary clinton is responsible and everybody else. the vice president was stating a fact. the normal routine matters in how you balance the level of security at 100-plus diplomatic posts around the world. those decisions are made day to day, week to week at the state department. so i don't see a contradiction between you what said and the vice president said. >> you didn't think it at all strange last night that he basically said i don't know anything about it? >> i understood this was not the detail that would come to the white house unless there was a significant policy issue or policy dispute. >> the first ambassador killed in 33 years, where does the buck stop?
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>> it should stop in the oval office. i agree with p.j. in the sense that they may not have been briefed, but it would have been nice that the vice president said i understand this decision may have been made at a lower level, but i'm vice president of the united states and i take responsibility for what happened in libya, that would have been the right thing to do. >> is the white house backed in a corner. i'm curious, because if they keep saying that they are responsible, the state department is responsible. and it keeps turning out they made the wrong decision, then don't they need to hold someone accountable that somebody needs to go. >> in fairness, this is something that we're still investigating, even after we say this was a terrorist attack and by a group that was organized and obviously been planning this for some time, we don't know, for example, this was a group in libya that acted on its own accord or from the outside. and i think the contempt
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rannuously that people understand that we have suffered the -- the deaths of four diplomats in libya, and contemporaneously, that we have suffered 2,000 casualties in afghanistan. should it prove there was a link to the consulate bombing in libya, and we have seen and understood the link between e taliban and al qaeda core in afghanistan, part of the same struggle. now at some point in time, once this is fully investigated by the fbi and the state department, should judgments have proven to be misguided. for example, i think we can say that the security was inadequate based on the threat we ultimately saw emerge on september 11th and there may be accountability made within the state department that put our diplomats at increased risk. >> it seems to me, talking about undecided voters, they seem shocked by this. and virginia have a lot of
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friends themselves in tough places, including places in the middle east. and september 11th. a country like libya. and they went to a consulate. how the heck did this happen. >> i tell you what? i don't understand how it happened either. it needs to be investigated. but the administration slow rolling, almost five weeks since this happened and more questions than answers. and the last thing that this administration can say, that american sovereign territory in the form of a consulate in libya ha been attacked by an al qaeda affiliated group on the anniversary of 9/11. that's the bottom line here and they'll do everything they can, including throwing the state department under the bus, intelligence community under the bus to prevent that from being said. and the only time they are many going forward with these things is when congress investigates
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it. the only time they call it a terrorist attack when the national counterterrorism center was interviewed and it was called a terrorist attack. and then the night before the big hearing in the house, the statehouse says, oh, almost five weeks later, we realize it wasn't at a demonstration, but just an attack. >> and speaking of politics, mitt romney brought up the issue on what joe biden said last night. here he is. >> the vice president directly contradicted the sworn testimony of state department officials. he's doubling down on denial and we need to understand exactly what happened as opposed to just having people brushed aside. >> the secretary of state. the first time since october 3rd came out today. why the silence? >> i'm -- look, i'm struggling with what peter just said here. these things are being
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investigated and the fact that you have the head of the -- the national counterterrorism come forward within five days of the -- of the attack, and clarify this was in the judgment of the administration and intelligence officials and that is being as forthcoming as you can be, based on your facts at the time. we're now only 30 days after the attack, and i can remember back to the previous administration, took them more than a year, before the analysis completed that said our intelligence judgment regarding weapons of mass destruction in iraq turned out to be wrong, so i think you have to give this process a little bit of time to emerge and have a full understanding of what happened, who is responsible, why they did it, and then we can let the chips fall where they may. >> thank you very much, both of you, we appreciate it. and our focus on that issue will continue as well. still out front, biden the interrupter? during last night's debate, you
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noticed the vice president, he's a very -- certainly doesn't look like he has had botox, all right? he made faces, laughed, interrupted, very, very visible. did it work? and paul ryan claims mitt romney's tax plan adds up, an outfront fact check coming up. and a desperate cry for help on the internet. and a month later, she's dead. ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you make 70,000 trades a second... ♪ reach one customer at a time? ♪ or help doctors turn billions of bytes of shared information... ♪ into a fifth anniversary of remission? ♪
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ones we've all made. about marriage. children. money. about tomorrow. here's to good decisions. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there. our second story outfront, excuse the interruption. it started last night. republicans up in arms. it was a rude vice president joe biden at last night's debate.
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>> it's a plan i put together with a prominent democrat senator from oregon. >> not one democrats endorses this. >> o partner is a democrat from oregon. >> and he says he no longer supports it. >> that's how it's going all around america. >> listen, that's not how it's going. >> this is a two-minute answer, please. >> it is mathematically possible. >> it has never been done before. >> it's been done before. >> and increased growth. >> nobody is -- >> mr. vice president. >> i know you are under a lot of duress to make up for lost time, but i think we will be better served if we don't kept interrupting each other. >> the score was 82 interruptions from biden and a handful from ryan. i think we sort of captured a part of it. >> republicans were pouncing on
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this. and it showed joe biden unhinged, unsteady. in our focus group it did not go over very well. but democrats seem to be happy about the joe biden they saw. >> yeah, that's exactly right, erin. clearly judging, coming out of last week, democrats, let's just say it, completely demoralized from the first presidential debate. so i think what joe biden was doing, channeling the extra frustration that democrats felt every time that president obama did not take advantage of the wonderful opportunities and joe biden was making sure that he was going to take advantage and probably overly take advantage of every single opportunity that came his way. and i got to say, it was exactly -- judging from the reaction, exactly what the doctor for the democratic base ordered and he delivered. >> and they wanted a guy to go into a bar fight, and as he said, joe biden is not afraid of any new bar fight. not just the interruptions, but
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the gop didn't like, but the focus group responded to. many took issue with biden's very expressive face. let me show you. >> it makes us more weak, projects weakness and then our adversaries are more willi to test us. the military option is not viewed as credible. it is a good idea to borrow money from china? different from this administration, we want big bipartisan agreements. we have sanctions in place, and in spite of opposition they have given -- >> he has a beautiful smile. >> that's true. >> i think this debate was the gift that keeps on giving from both democrats and republicans, and a lot of great points. a lot have said we want a fooisier obama. and he doesn't want to seem on knox shouse. this was watched by fewer people than the presidential debates and something where biden was
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able to be feisty without damaging the obama brand as someone with a cool temperament and republicans are able to say this guy during a time of national mood, somber and serious, looks like he's having an absolutely spectacular time while the foreign policy is in a tailspin and other problems going on. republicans it seems like this guy having the ride of his life. having it at our expense? that's why it works for democrats and republicans. >> some also made references to another infamous debate. a lot of times we counted things in the debate was all gore and the -- >> the former white house bush secretary ari fleischer tweeted that biden is at risk of having his lot of come across like gore's sighs. i think he should knock it off. do you think it's true? >> that's what republicans will continue to spin it that way and while i was watching it, i could
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have done a little bit less with the smirks and laugh, judging from reaction of the democratic base, it is exactly what democrats needed, and i know democrats will continue to, i think that they are in a pretty good place. here is how i will describe it. last night, the political equivalent of the rorschach inkblot test, democrats and republicans saw what they wanted to see and saw what they needed to see. >> and both sides are winners. >> he talks about motivating debates. last night, the base being demoralized. and what about what they need to win, and what about the people who were undecided. it seems to me as evidenced by the swing after the presidential debate, a lot of people who said who they were voting for really didn't. the swing was incredible.
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>> a question about how so some of the candidates are. >> and when are you looking at biden's performance, part of the issue, martha raddatz asked a ton of foreign policy questions that got granular. things like housing weren't touched on, but a lot on libya and syria the affect of the two guys counts for a lot. and i think a lot of people would have seen paul ryan as an earnest guy and holding his own more or less. a bit shicky. kept getting interrupted and shut down, there might be other folks, midwestern folks that like the temperament and those impressions actually count for a lot. >> thank you very much no both of you, appreciate your time and outfront next, new trouble in the secret service, an agent arrested hours after the president left the campaign stop
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and then apple, is apple afraid? very afraid?
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our third story out front, the secret service has another embarrassment on its hands overnight, an agent was found
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passed out on the streets, and it was just hours after president obama left town. what can you tell us about the agent and what he was doing? >> his name is aaron francis england. he is a member of the uniformed division. this isn't one of the secret service agents that you think of in a suit and tie, with an earpiece, but uniform police officer. they work perimeter protection, and the president was in miami for a big rally at the university of miami, they often scan people as they go into events, he was found by police officer, and a street corner in miami, he was arrested for disorderly intoxication, and a reasonable doubt cog to an affidavit, the arresting officer, i observed the defendant with bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and a strong odor of alcoholic beverage emitting
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his breath. he tried to get him on his feet. he couldn't get up, and the officer asked him to stop doing it. and according to the affidavit, the arresting officer said he hit my face. he was eventually able to put him in handcuffs, and the u.s. secret service says an international review current under way, but this is getting a lot of attention because of the big scandal that happened in april, a lot of questions about the culture inside the secret service. >> dan, thank you, and still outfront, paul ryan compared his campaign's plan to cut taxes to john f. kennedy. jfk. does the comparison add up? and she cried out for help, she posted a plea on the web and tonight we learned she country couldn't take it anymore. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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welcome back to the second half of outfront." we start with the stories we care about. we begin with the space shuttle "endeavour" on the move, on the way to the california science center.
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this is a live picture. the trek started from the los angeles international airport. only a 12-mile trip, but it will take two days to get there. the pace, two miles an hour, pretty pathetic for a space shuttle. official has to take down street lights and cut down trees. had to cut down trees, apparently a lot of them, to make the move possible. the center for disease role reports 184 cases of fungal meningitis, up from 170 confirmed cases yesterday. the cdc added texas to the list of states impacted by the outbreak. 14 have died and as many as 14,000 people could have received contaminated steroid injections. u.n. security council has passed an injection which gives mali and other west african countries come up with a plan to put troops on the ground. once a plan is submitted, the
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council will pass another troop, and the council warned rebel groups to cut off ties to terrorist organizations, particularly al qaeda. or else they will face sanctions, an influx of extremists, following the coupe in mali have driven a half a million mall iists, and they have weapons from libya. preliminary read on consume every sentiment is worth mentioning. hitting a level we haven't seen since september 2011, before the financial crisis, and jpmorgan, biggest bank released its quarterly results, but it was this comment from ceo jamie dimon that caught our attention. he says we believe the housing market has turned the corner. bank ceos have said this several times, but i haven't heard it from jamie dimon before. a comment from mr. dimon could be significant. and 435 days since the country
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loss it's top credit rating, what are we doing to get it back? unfortunately for the fiscal year, the u.s. deficit totals $1.4 trillion. it exceeded the $4 trillion mark. jack kennedy and paul ryan, perfect together? some things about them that are similar. both young, energetic, vibrant. paul ryan things they have something in common, joe biden not so sure. the republican candidate invoked a camelot era comparison. this time, the issue taxes. >> you can cut tax rates by 20% and preserve important preferences for middle class taxpayers. >> not mathematically possible. >> it's been done before. >> it's never been done before. >> a couple of times. >> never been done before. >> ronald reagan. >> now you're jack kennedy. >> ronald reagan. >> twitter was atwitter about that.
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that comment got a noticeable reaction from the group of undecided voters i watched during the debate last night. see it blown up there in the bottom of the screen. here is the problem, both kennedy and reagan working in a different time and place. to start, when both kennedy and reagan took office, individual tax rates not even in the ballpark of what we have now. kennedy's plan, enacted after his death, took the top marginal tax rate from 91% to 71% over a two-year period. lots of loopholes, but the growth argument, gdp rose by barely a percent during that time. isn't much when the economy was growing at a rate like china's, but the u.s. was at the time. they got a boost, but not much of one. ronald reagan's first big tax cut went into effect, and the economy did surge.
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economic growth went from 4.9% to north of 8%. year three, not so impressive. look at quarters, there were some drops. for perspective, today, the top marge call tax rate is 30%, not like are you at 70 or 90. can a reduction in rates really spur the romney ryan growth? let's bring in guests and find out it's true. doug and mark, great to see both of you. doug, the romney/ryan plan will reduce rates like 20%. let's forget the lool hope for a moment. see the top rate go down from 35% to 28%. that's certainly not a drop, like jfk did or romney did. can 35 to 28 spark real gdp growth? >> i think we're in a very different world and quite frankly a better world. the feature they have in common, often not appreciated, these are
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permanent tax reforms, and they have much bigger impacts. it makes sense. a tax cut for a day, you wouldn't do much. and it would change a lot of things, the research supports that notion, an important part of this, a tax reform, permanent change that eliminates the changes. and it reduces complexity. complexity causes people to, a, waste money with tax planning and lawyers and leads to you waste business decisions on the basis of taxes, not business fundamentals and erodes faye faith in the tax system. and the combination of personal nens and getting businesses to focus on the bottom line are very big impetus for growth. >> i understand your point. it's more than just cutting marginal rates. but let me ask you, is it fair for paul ryan to compare what he's proposing what ronald reagan did and jfk?
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>> for the reasons you gave, the top marginal rates were a lot higher, and the cut in the marginal rate was a lot bigger and we were in a different fiscal world. back in the early '60s, running budget surpluses, and even when we had a tough economy, and it was smaller than today. that's the key reason i would be concerned about the romney plan, tax reform is a great idea. and we need to have tax reform, and we have to have tax reform that raises enough revenue to lower tax rates and go to reducing future budget deficits. if we don't get budget deficits down, lower tax rates won't help us get the economy going. >> do you think it's fair to say -- romney/ryan say a 3% growth is reasonable. do you think it is. for any of this math to work out. the argument of whether they can cut taxes and close loopholes,
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they are counting on economic growth to be part of making up that difference. will it? >> you can't say for sure. good tack policy matters. not the only thing that matters, and you have to have disciplined economic policy. we have a serious threat to the economy from existing and projected debt, it's different from the era of ronald reagan, that debt is not being driven by annual decisions, it's being driven by large, entitlement spending programs. you can't just do it with taxes, you have to pair it with real aggressive entitlement reform. honestly, one more thing. little changes matter. and people don't appreciate it. first 200 years of u.s. existence, grew faster than the united kingdom by .3%, .4%, and that's all. and during? that time, we went from 13 colonies to the largest, most powerful in the planet.
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and focusing on growth is ones where we don't have to have big changes. >> and it comes down to the middle class and both sides have been trying to make that argument. who will help the middle class or help the middle class? here is the argument. >> there's been a study done recently that shows with all of the spending he's planning and with all of the interest on the debt that's associated with all of that spending, he will have to raise taxes on middle income americans again. >> the bipartisan group called the tax policy center made up of former bush and former clinton economic experts, that's why they said the romney/ryan tax plan would, in fact, raise taxes on middle class families with a child an average of 2,000 a year. >> mark zani, i'm getting a little tired of all of the studies referenced. everyone has a study.
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>> i write those studies. >> you're the gold standard. do we really know definitively which side is right when everybody can site a study? >> well, i think the tax policy center is very definitive, nonpartisan, very well respected, i think they do fabulous work, i think we can trust them, and it's fair to say that under the romney plan, currently proposed, it would be very difficult to be deficit neutral to not raise the deficit and get away with not raising taxes on middle income houses. that being said, i'm sure governor romney would adjust his plan. and when push came to shove, he probably scaled back his tax cuts to make sure that the tax bill for middle income household households wouldn't go up. at the end of the day, the main beneficiaries will be high-income households.
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they will pay the taxes and get the tax break. >> unless loopholes get closed. >> even if the -- depends on how they close the loopholes. >> that's the question. >> because we're depending so much on loopholes here, and it's a lot of loopholes that have to be cut, a lot of revenue. no clarity with respect to exactly what that means. and if we focus on that, we need more clarity as well. >> we appreciate it. we'll have more on the dueling studies. still to come, biden's beef with paul ryan's mention of green pork. and the internet is buzzing over apple news that could set the market on fire. but it seems that apple might be very afraid.
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we're back with tonight's outer circle. tonight, we go to canada police are looking into the tragic death of a young girl who police say killed herself after posting an online confessional about being bullied at school. >> the video is heartbreaking. a 15-year-old named amanda. she never speaks, but recounts
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how she decented into depression and self-harm after months of taunts on line. harassed in attacks at school. she uploaded it to youtube, yesterday, she took her own life. changed schools a few times, but couldn't escape correspond meanters. classmates are in disbelief. >> this has been going on for a very long time. if i was her i would have done it way before. >> school officials who knew of the bullying say they connected her with counselors. >> the district was aware of the video that was posted prior to her death and that supports were in place. >> condolences flooded facebook, and amanda posted a school project on cyberbullying, yet her online confessional mirrors similar messages of pain. youtube has pulled her video,
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and school counselors grapple with its legacy. hoeshl story. green pork? those two words may sound very strange, but they were actually said last night. part of a tense moment. a very tense moment during last night's debate. congressman paul ryan was criticizing the administration for spending on green energy, but vise president biden hit back on the attack. here's the exchange. >> the vice president was in charge of overseeing this. $90 billion in green pork to campaign contributors and special interest groups. >> he sent me two letters saying by the way, can you send me some stimulus money for companies here in the state of wisconsin. we sent millions of dollars. you know why he -- >> you did ask for stimulus money, correct? >> sure he did. >> on two occasions, we advocated for constituents who were applying for grants. that's what we do. we do that for all constituents who are applying for grants.
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>> i love that. >> turns out that biden was wrong. ryan did not make two requests. he made at least four. that's a fact check i'm sure joe is really upset about. the rest of it he probably wants to hear nothing about. john, you have been looking into this. paul ryan has been criticizing green pork for awhile but he also asked for money to create green jobs. some people might say this is practical. others might say hypocritical. >> that's where the line is. when the green pork was being given out, paul ryan went right up to the trough and asked for his. this is part of the problem of being a congressman. the part of being a member of congress is requesting money for your constituents. an ideological fiscal conservative like paul ryan is in a double bind. on the one hand he has to provide for his constituents. when he hits the campaign trail and rails against government spending, his accusations of hypocrisy not only for requests for green pork but also because here's a guy who spent his entire adult life working in government running against government spending. >> how much does this hurt paul
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ryan? do people understand that distinction? you might not want the stimulus but then when it happens, you got to go fight for your piece of it. does that sell or not? >> in general, i believe the hypocrisy is the unforgiveable sin in politics but this is understandable, becae people do get that at the end of the day, part of your job as a congressman isn't just to be a policy wonk, a budget expert, but to fight for the rights of your constituents. that's what paul ryan did. >> last night there was also the exchange about the letters and joe biden said you can write me a letter wherever you want. one of those moments some people hated him for and other people supported him for. you have some of the letters. >> yes. we have four of the letters right here. look, they asked for -- >> are they written like you would write a letter to a friend? >> oh, no. no. >> not to a friend. >> this is a -- this is not my friend joe biden, give me some green pork. that's over lunch. no, this is just simply a bureaucratic navigation. but writing the secretary of energy asking for green jobs and stimulus money, the very stuff he gets on the campaign trail a
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lot. he's part of that hypocrisy. he's attacking the stimulus, attacking green jobs but in these letters clearly asking for his own share of green pork when he had the opportunity. >> what's your bottom line verdict? you think this is understandable for voters? >> folks need to understand this is part of the congressman's job. but if he's going to go out and rail against government spending, saying it never benefits small businesses, talking about green pork, green jobs, how the stimulus was a failure, he had to know these letters were out there. that opens him up to accusations of hypocrisy or ideological inconsistency. friend might have been the most annoying word of the debate last night. just my take. "outfront" next, he's only 12 years old but already caught the eye of apple. apple, which by the way tonight seems to be very afraid. full-size pickups on the road. so, what do you think? [ engine revs ]
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forget about the iphone 5. there could be a new apple product on the horizon, the ipad mini. the tech world is buzzing about this, that apple could be unveiling a smaller version of the ipad during an invitation only event, that's how they like to do it, at the end of the month.
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rumors has it the ipod mini will have a screen less than eight inches and sell between $200 and $250 which would put it in the range of the kindle fire by amazon. the event is also going to be just a few days before microsoft's tablet comes into the market. there are a lot of these things competing which brings me to tonight's number, 13. that's the price of the texter beagle. texter says the beagle is the world's smallest ereader. it's lighter, its screen is five inches. it can only hold five books at a time, though. maybe apple is not so scared of the beagle. but you know what it is scared of, perhaps, is the samsung galaxy tab. that's been selling like hotcakes and its screen is only seven inches. maybe apple felt the need to rush into the smaller screen to try to steal samsung's business. let us know what you think. samsung, apple or beagle? let us know your favorite tablet on twitter or facebook. from eric schmidt's google
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to reed hoffman, "outfront" has taken you behind the scenes of some of the world's most innovative ideas and most successful entrepreneurs. what sets tonight's idea apart from those we usually profile is what you're looking at right there. that's the young man we had on the show. he was 11 years old when he came up with his idea. not only that, but his idea caught the attention of one of the most revolutionary companies on the planet, apple. earlier, i spoke with charlie hutchison and asked him how he did it. >> well, i've always really been interested in computers and so when i decided to make an app i was thinking about what i would want to do and i decided i wanted an easy way to be able to follow all of my friends' accounts on flickr and see their photos. so that was the basic idea and then it kind of evolved from there. now it has a geocoded photos and
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recent photos but that was the basic idea. >> so i have to be honest with you. a lot of people might say to me i have this idea, i really want to be able to follow my friend's pictures on flickr, they might have that idea, but i don't know anybody who could actually turn that into an app and make that work. how did you do that part of it? >> well, so i just -- i have always been interested in this so i did some -- used research to learn how to write the computer code to it and i just wrote about i think 2,000 lines of code and that made the app. >> wow. you just sat there and wrote the code. >> yes. >> all right. then when did you say i want apple -- i know my app is good enough to be on apple? how did you figure out how to go through the process? i got to imagine apple gets tens of thousands of people who want to have apps on every day. >> when i finally finished it and it was to my satisfaction, i thought it was ready, i looked it up and started looking at their developer programs and how you would submit it, and i
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finally submitted it to the app store so they could review it and try to approve it for the app store. >> you were how old at that time? >> i was 11. i was going to turn 12 in a few days. >> okay. so some people might say to you hey, here you are, you're 12 1/2 years old now, so this is ancient history, right? 18 months ago when you did this app. people might, they look at you and say you're going to be another bill gates, going to be another tim cook. >> that's a pretty aggressive comparison. i would certainly love to do something great like that and i'll try to do something like that, but that is a pretty big comparison. >> what do your friends at school think? >> they think it's really cool. they have been really supportive and they have thought it was really cool and have given me plenty of ideas. >> so what are you working on? what's the next app you're coming up with? >> well, i'm working on several new projects but i'm not really sure what i'm going to do yet so i'm not really sure of all the details and what my next app is
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going to be yet. >> are you kind of, you sound like a ceo there sometimes. i ask are you going to buy a company and they're not really sure. you being coy or really not sure? >> i'm really not sure. i'm working on a few things. i haven't worked out all the details and found out exactly what i'm going to do yet. >> but in addition to apps my understanding is you have a part-time computer consulting service that you do, and you're saving all of the money that you earn to go to the apple developer conference? >> yes. i just help a lot of people with their computers, mainly learn how to use them and teach them and get it set up, and so i can go to the worldwide developer conference with apple hopefully next year. >> but there's an age limit, right? you going to make the cutoff? >> yes. i'll be 13 next year and that is the age limit. although this is the first year it was 13. it used to be 18. but they finally changed it because they're starting to realize younger people are becoming more interested in computers and apps.